Message to Researchers about Possible Federal Shutdown

The message below was sent from the Division of Research to researchers who receive federal funding.

Dear Colleagues,

As you’ve likely read, a federal government shutdown is likely to take effect October 1. Rest assured the Division of Research is monitoring the situation and planning so that researchers will experience minimal to no disruption. The message to active researchers on federal grants is to keep working unless you hear otherwise from the Division of Research and/or your agency’s program manager.

Other considerations:

  • The Division of Research is working to evaluate all federally funded grants so that they can proceed with no or minimal disruptions, including payment of salaries.
  • Federally funded researchers are encouraged to reach out to their program managers on agency contingency plans.
  • NinerResearch will remain open. We encourage researchers to stick to published grant submission and nomination timelines, as some submission portals may remain active during a shutdown.
  • The primary impact on researchers will be limited communication from federal program managers – most federal employees will not be able to check or send emails or answer the phone.

We will continue to keep you updated as more information becomes available. As always, feel free to reach out with questions!


John Daniels
Interim Vice Chancellor for Research

Deb Thomas
Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Research