Class of 1975 celebrates inaugural 49th Reunion

Members of the Class of 1975 returned to campus for the inaugural 49th Reunion in May as part of the University’s Spring Commencement.
The new 49th Reunion, sponsored by the UNC Charlotte Alumni Association, celebrates the achievements and camaraderie of the class that graduated 49 years ago. The event allows alumni to reconnect with old friends, reminisce and marvel at the strides UNC Charlotte has taken during nearly five decades. For some alumni, this was their first visit back to the University.
“Our University has grown and changed over the past 49 years,” said Jodi Kaplan, executive director of alumni engagement. “And we owe so much of our present-day greatness to those trailblazing alumni whose dedication and vision paved the way for the flourishing institution UNC Charlotte is today.”
The alumni, who participated in the 10 a.m. commencement ceremony held in Dale F. Halton Arena for graduates in the Belk College of Business and College of Health and Human Services, entered wearing special “49th Reunion” stoles.
Following the ceremony, at a luncheon in their honor in Atkins Library, Beth Crigler, vice chancellor for university advancement, gave a campus update. Then, Katie Howell, interim associate dean of Special Collections and University archives, delivered a “then and now” presentation.
Alumni had an opportunity during the luncheon to “pass the mic” and reminisce about their campus memories. They shared details of their classes, campus events, life in the residence halls, SGA meetings, clinical nursing rotations and early morning and late night study sessions.
The group participated in a campus bus tour before heading to the Harris Alumni Center at Johnson Glen for a closing social hour.
Fun Facts from Then (1975) and Now (2024)
- Enrollment: 5,582 to 30,298
- Campus buildings: 22 to 90
- Full-time employees: 787 to 3,474
- Research awards: $600K to $73.2M
- Athletics: 4 D1 teams to 19 D1 teams
- Library Volumes: 189,315 to 3.8M