Know the difference between NinerNotices and NinerAlerts

As a new semester begins, it is important to review or learn the difference between the two types of notifications the University can issue during an emergency situation or ongoing disruption to campus safety.
A NinerNotice is issued when information needs to be shared about incidents that do not pose a direct threat to the University community or its operations but may be helpful for the community to know about. This type of notification is only informational; no action is required of you other than to heed caution, as applicable.
How will I receive a NinerNotice?
NinerNotices are sent to all faculty, staff and students via their @charlotte email addresses — there is no need to enroll. The information is posted on Facebook, X and the emergency management website. Family members, visitors and others also can sign up to receive NinerNotices.
What are some examples of incidents that might warrant a NinerNotice notification?
- The possibility of upcoming severe weather and how you might prepare
- Alert system tests
- Clery Act notifications, such as isolated crimes that have occurred but pose no continued threat to campus
A NinerAlert is issued when there is a threat to campus safety or operations. With a NinerAlert, immediate action should be taken, as directed, to either seek shelter, lockdown or evacuate campus. A NinerAlert may also be issued if campus is closed or on reduced operations. Read the information below and review each link to learn more.
- Seek Shelter — Ordered when there are severe weather events or events such as a chemical spill
- Lockdown — Ordered when there is a potential or present threat on campus. You will be instructed to Run, Hide or Fight
- Evacuate — Ordered if an event affects the safety of a building(s), a large portion of campus or the whole campus
Each NinerAlert will include one of these three action directives, which indicate how you should respond based on the threat or operation of campus.
How will I receive a NinerAlert?
NinerAlerts are sent to all faculty, staff and students — there is no need to enroll but check your phone number in Banner to make sure you will receive text alerts. Family members, visitors and others can sign up to receive NinerAlerts.
The severity and nature of each threat determines how the alert is deployed. NinerAlerts can be sent through @charlotte emails, text messages, social media posts, University website banners, University computer screen takeovers, emergency sirens and the LiveSafe app.
What are some examples of incidents that might warrant a NinerAlert notification?
- A change in campus operating conditions
- Ongoing severe weather warnings, such as tornadoes, severe thunderstorms or flash flooding. (Note: These do not include weather advisories and watches and are automatically sent via the National Weather Service. Users may receive multiple alerts per weather event, as the NWS updates the alerts.)
- An immediate physical threat to the University community, or a situation that has the potential to affect the safety of the community
- Examples – A fire, assault, robbery, active assailant, gas leak, chemical spill, etc.
How can you best prepare before an emergency or situation arises?
- Share this information with colleagues to make sure our whole campus is prepared
- Become NinerReady
- Program the campus police numbers into your phone
- Emergency – 704-687-2200 or 911 from a campus phone
- Non-emergency – 704‑687‑8300
- Download the LiveSafe app
- Update your contact information in Banner Self Service
- Follow the Office of Emergency Management on Facebook and X
- Review your building’s evacuation plan and the campus evacuation routes
- Employees should know how to account for missed time during operating condition changes