Police and Public Safety earns dual CALEA accreditation
UNC Charlotte is the only university in North Carolina to have this designation.
The UNC Charlotte Department of Police and Public Safety was awarded dual accreditation at the end of 2024 from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, which includes a rigorous process and renewal every four years.

The department was awarded communications re-accreditation for the second time and law enforcement re-accreditation for the third time by CALEA. The accreditations are effective for four years.
Law enforcement agencies must undergo an annual audit of 25% of their current directives, policies and standard operating procedures. In the fourth year of the accreditation cycle, agencies must complete a full-scale inspection audit at the physical location of the agency in order to receive accreditation.
The UNC Charlotte CALEA accreditation manager, Lt. Stephanie Klein, oversees this demanding process on a full-time basis. The process includes a lengthy self-assessment, which involves reviewing policies, practices and processes and comparing them to internationally accepted public safety standards. Independent assessors then review the agency, and public feedback is sought from the community the agency serves. The next step includes structured interviews with select agency personnel. Finally, following a public hearing and review of all documentation, a group of commissioners determines if the agency can be granted accreditation.
“I am incredibly proud of Lt. Klein’s dedication, attention to detail and acute knowledge in managing our department’s re-accreditations again,” said Police Chief Jeff Baker. “Klein, and all of our officers, deserve to be recognized for the great work they do daily to keep our campus community safe.”
To further exemplify this honor, only one-third of law enforcement agencies in America are accredited, and only eight university police departments in the nation have earned this specific dual accreditation. UNC Charlotte is the only university in North Carolina to have this designation.
CALEA accreditation serves as the international gold standard for public safety agencies. Learn more about CALEA online.