Feb. 22 forum is another opportunity to provide input on Belk Plaza

The second of three Belk Plaza forums is scheduled for 4 to 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 22, in the Cone University Center, Lucas Room. Attendees, comprised of the campus community, alumni and others, can participate in this event that will, in part, influence the conceptual plans for the transformation of Belk Plaza.

As with the first forum, the Feb. 22 event will be a drop-in, interactive experience. During the two-hour forum, individuals will have an opportunity to participate in one-on-one and small group conversations with LandDesign representatives and Belk Plaza Design Committee members to provide feedback on the future of Belk Plaza. A Charlotte-based urban design and landscape architecture firm, LandDesign was hired to provide recommendations for an improved aesthetic and functional design for the plaza.

Two concept boards will be displayed that reflect varied design objectives; attendees will be able to note their preferences. Feedback generated during the two public forums will be presented at the final forum on Monday, April 11 (Note, this is a change from previous reports). Review details from the Feb. 8 forum on the Belk Plaza website.

Anyone who is unable to attend the Feb. 22 public forum can email aesthetic and program considerations for the plaza to Peter Franz, chair of the Belk Plaza Design Committee, at pfranz@uncc.edu.