Campus graphic designer among winners in international comic contest

Myron Macklin, a graphic designer in the Office of University Communications, was selected by Mark Millar to collaborate in the creation of a charity comic book.

Miller, the writer behind the Kingsman, Kick-Ass and Jupiter’s Circle series, sponsored the international contest. Six artists, six writers and a cover artist were selected to use Millar’s characters in the creation of the charity comic scheduled to be released later this year.

According to an article in the Guardian, Millar is notoriously protective of his properties and does not allow others to use his characters. However, he decided to launch the contest to “help new creators break into comics, as well as raise money for charity.” The Scottish writer will allow “unknown writers and authors the chance to write stories featuring Kick-Ass, Hit Girl, characters from Chrononauts, Kingsman and American Jesus or Duke McQueen from his series Starlight.”

Approximately 1,500 submissions were received, and as one of the 13 winners of the contest, Macklin will be one of the illustrators. He will collaborate with one of the winning writers, Philip Huxley, for a story that will use characters from Millar’s Kingsman series.

Macklin recently published his first original graphic novel “The Zoo Act,” which he wrote and illustrated. A UNC Charlotte alumnus, Macklin completed a bachelor’s degree in graphic design and illustration.