ADVANCE Office offers New Faculty Mentoring program
With the start of another academic year, new faculty members can be overwhelmed by their teaching, research and scholarly responsibilities, all of which are being conducted in an unfamiliar environment. This is the perfect time for new faculty to participate in the ADVANCE Faculty Affairs and Diversity (FADO) New Faculty Mentoring program.
“Our goal is to help new faculty make a strong start to their academic careers, said Yvette Huet, director of ADVANCE FADO. “Research demonstrates mentoring can lead to improved research productivity, increased teaching effectiveness and improved work-life balance. Supporting new faculty can significantly shorten the professional learning curve. Clearly, this program benefits, not only new faculty, but the University as a whole, because it assists new faculty in becoming productive members of our academic community.”
New faculty are matched with senior colleagues who are outside the junior faculty members’ home units. These University-wide efforts augment, but do not replace, the mentoring and coaching provided within faculty’s home colleges and departments.
Debra Smith, associate professor in Africana studies, has participated in the program as a mentee and mentor.
“I came to UNC Charlotte as a lecturer. When I was hired as an associate professor, I still had the mindset of a teaching faculty member since that was my history with this University,” said Smith. “My mentor was able to set me on a solid research tract, direct me toward grant opportunities and even read some of my writing prior to my sending it out for publishing consideration. He motivated me and kept me focused on reappointment. As a mentor, I strived to provide the same sound advice to my mentee. I wanted to be a helpful resource for him to succeed and also to decide to remain at UNC Charlotte as a faculty member.”
ADVANCE FADO also offers mid-career mentoring programs, which has been designed to re-engage associate professors in proactive, intentional career planning in a supportive environment.
Watch for announcements advertising the ADVANCE–sponsored Faculty Forum, where the provost and deans from all colleges meet with associate professors in an interactive setting designed to provide clarity around the process of promotion to full professor.
In the spring, ADVANCE FADO will host the fourth “Charting your Path – Strategies for Success in Academe” workshop. The goal of the workshop, which is offered to women and under-represented minority associate professors and their administrators from around the state, is to provide associate professors with strategies they can use to achieve career advancement, while providing insights to administrators into ways they can facilitate mid-career faculty success.
Learn more about the ADVANCE FADO Office Faculty Mentoring programs and “Charting your Path Workshops” on the Web.