Levine Hall to house scholars beginning in 2016

UNC Charlotte broke ground May 12 on a new residence hall dedicated to housing students of the Levine Scholars Program and the Honors College. The new facility will be known as Levine Hall, in honor of Sandra and Leon Levine. Through their foundation, the Levines have committed more than $18 million to the Levine Scholars Program, which began in 2009. Levine Hall is scheduled to open in summer 2016.
“The naming of this residence hall is one way we acknowledge the value of the investment that the Levines are making in this University and our students,” said Chancellor Philip L. Dubois. “Last October, we announced that the Levine Scholars Program will continue to accommodate exceptional student-leaders from across the country through 2024, following a new gift commitment of more than $13 million from Leon and Sandra through their foundation.”
In addition to more than 400 students, Levine Hall will house the administrative offices for the Levine Scholars Program and the University’s Honors College and will include student work-study areas, faculty work stations and private one-on-one spaces, adjacent seminar spaces that can be combined for large functions and hotel space for visiting faculty or lecturers.
“We know from experience that good things happen when talented and motivated students are allowed to interact on a regular basis. This building alone will raise the IQ in this part of the campus by several points,” Dubois quipped.
Leon Levine said, “Although the new building will bear our names, it will really be about the students – the scholars. It is these community-minded, ethical scholars who will continue to be a driving force for positive change in our region.”