Sweet Couple: Cam and Rachel George
Cameron and Rachel George met in 2017 when she interned in Charlotte’s Athletic Ticket Office. Like every good love story, the two became really good friends duirng her internship.
Let Charlotte help you take care of yourself
Whether it’s treating yourself, embracing fitness, learning about nutrition or improving your mental health, UNC Charlotte has you covered.Exercise is for everybody
Unique jobs on campus: Lessons from a librarian
When you hear “librarian,” what do you think of?
Do you think of them as the security team for the books, looking after them day and night? Do you imagine them dusting books and bookshelves off one by one? Or sitting at the front desk checking out your books?
It’s easy to get this image in your head. After all, library science can be less visible to the campus community, but insights from Catherine Tingelstad may change your perception.
Call for nominations for 2024-25 University-wide faculty governance positions
The daculty of UNC Charlotte are charged with the responsibility for making policy decisions regarding the curriculum, academic standards, and the allocation of internal research funds. Also, the faculty are charged with important advisory responsibilities regarding working schedule and conditions, the University budget, facilities planning, administrative appointments and other elements of institutional policy and operation. These responsibilities are conducted through a system of shared governance.
Elysse needs shared leave
Marilyn Elysse, Atkins Library, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Feb. 21.
To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements in Personnel Information Memorandum 29; scroll down this web page to locate a link to an online Voluntary Shared Leave Donation Form listed under Application/Donation Procedures.
Gray needs shared leave
Francesca Gray, Student Health Center, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Feb. 20.
To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements in Personnel Information Memorandum 29; scroll down this web page to locate a link to an online Voluntary Shared Leave Donation Form listed under Application/Donation Procedures.
Spring Commencement bell ringers sought
The Dean of Students Office is accepting applications for 2024 Spring Commencement bell ringers. Faculty and staff should encourage graduating students to apply for this prestigious honor.
Meet Linda Diggs
As the administrative support specialist for the staff awards and recognition program, Linda Diggs has made her mark ensuring employees are valued and recognized for their hard work. Learn more about her role and what she loves to do away from the office.
Nominations sought for 2024 Staff Employee of the Year awards
UNC Charlotte awards and recognizes exemplary employees for their hard work and dedication to the campus community and beyond. The Human Resources Department is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Staff Employee of the Year awards. Any permanent employee of UNC Charlotte can submit a nomination, and employees are encouraged to recommend colleagues for this honor.
Meet Harrison Hieb
As the University’s cinematographer, Harrison Hieb has been the man behind the camera across campus since April 2017. Learn more about his view of UNC Charlotte and the favorite moment he has captured — so far.
Can you describe your role at UNC Charlotte?
I do a lot of different things in my role as cinematographer, but I am mainly responsible for capturing all of the content needed for the video productions that come through University Communications, making sure the quality of footage is up to the highest standard possible.