HR implements changes to Student Employment Policy
On-campus student employment provides opportunities for UNC Charlotte students to develop essential skills and real-world work experiences necessary to facilitate a smooth transition to the post-graduate workforce, earn income to offset the costs of student life and support daily operations of the University. Eligibility for campus student employment is determined by a student’s current enrollment status.
HR update on legislative pay increases and the North Carolina state budget
Dear Colleagues,
As you may have already seen in the news this week, the budget recently passed by the North Carolina General Assembly has been signed by Gov. Roy Cooper.
University rescinds policies 501.2, 503 and 403
University Policy 501.2 has been rescinded because its substance is now captured in University Policy 501, Nondiscrimination.
University Policy 503 is rescinded because based on court cases, fighting words harassment as an exception to free speech protection has been significantly curtailed if not eliminated.
University revises policy on EEO/AA plan
University Policy 101.5, Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Plan, has been revised to mirror University Policy 501, Nondiscrimination, with respect to the list of protected statuses. The name has been changed to help eliminate confusion related to University Policy 501.
Policy regarding student grievance procedure revised
University Policy 411, Student Grievance Procedure, has been revised to remove all discrimination or discriminatory harassment complaints from its purview.
Policy on appealing final course grades revised
University Policy 410, Policy and Procedure for Student Appeals of Final Course Grades, has been revised to require consultation with the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX when grade appeals relate to discrimination issues.
University revises sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence policy
University Policy 502, Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence, has been simplified, and many of the definitions and other procedural pieces have been removed. This policy applies to students, faculty, and staff. All employees are required to report alleged violations of the policy. The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX will have more detailed procedural documents available on its website for different classes of respondents.
University’s nondiscrimination policy revised
University Policy 501, Nondiscrimination, has been simplified, and the prohibition on discrimination or discriminatory harassment by any member of the University community has been clarified. This policy applies to students, faculty and staff. All employees are required to report alleged violations of the policy.
OneIT Renews Agreement with Adobe
OneIT recently renewed its agreement with Adobe; faculty and staff Adobe users may have received an email notification saying “you now have access to All Apps – Pro Edition – EDU.” That was a legitimate email notification of the update, but employees do not have to do anything to continue using the software.
Stinnett announces retirement as AVC for human resources
Gary W. Stinnett, associate vice chancellor for human resources and university affirmative action officer, has announced his intention to retire, effective April 1, 2023.
Stinnett has led Charlotte’s HR function since 1996, overseeing recruitment and employment, position classification and salary administration, employee relations, professional learning and development, benefits administration, human resources information systems and on-campus student employment.