Featured Stories

Architecture professor Jefferson Ellinger is testing an innovative solution to bring the benefits of fresh outdoor air to an enclosed…

Alumni-owned restaurants, pubs and coffee shops across the city are celebrating Niner Nation Week.

Rob Dibble ’95 and the Normbulance bring the party to life.

Andrew Brotherton’s quest to save lives drives his Ph.D. pursuit

A North Carolina archaeological dig unearths new knowledge about early 20th-century Black education.

Restaurateur Chris Boukedes ’92 takes us inside his popular Euro-southern bistro.

Brenna Murray’s flame burned brightly on and off the field for the 49ers women’s soccer team.

Life challenges that started with childhood in a refugee camp did not deter data scientist Khem Khadka ’22 from achieving…

A champion on the track, Maya Singletary strives to define herself through commitment to community service.

Architecture projects teach students hands-on skills while solving real-world problems.

A novel circuit breaker design fills an energy industry need.

Charlotte Black Pride co-founder Jermaine Nakia Lee helps compose the score to Charlotte’s culture scene.