Faculty and Staff News
Staff CounCil
The UNC Charlotte Staff Council was established to create and provide a more harmonious working environment for the staff of the University.
The Staff Council Fall Festival is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Oct. 15, in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center.
The Faculty Council is a policy making and consultative body, responsible for the quality of instruction and scholarship at the University.
Learn more about faculty council members, view a meeting schedule, read agendas and minutes and the guidelines for submitting agenda items.
Human REsources
Open Enrollment will occur from Sept. 30 to Oct. 25. Eligible employees will need to make their elections for the 2025 plan year at that time.
Since September, UNC Charlotte has used wastewater sampling to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 prior to larger outbreaks, or clusters,…
Decora Cooper, University Advising Center, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Dec. 24.To contribute leave, faculty…
The Division of Student Affairs and Student Success Working Group are launching a series of student feedback sessions to provide…
Audrey Sanders from University Recreation needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Dec. 16.To contribute leave,…
Friday, Dec. 11, is the nomination deadline for the following faculty awards:
The 2020 Giving Green campaign recently concluded with nearly $259,000 from 866 campus employees.
Claire Kirby is the new associate provost of Enrollment Management at UNC Charlotte. She joined UNC Charlotte in April 2005…
On Monday, Nov. 9, the new University Policy 719, Access Control was approved. This new policy establishes authorities and responsibilities as…
On Monday, Nov. 9, University Policy 504, Title IX Grievance Policy was revised as necessary to comply with the recent…
On Monday, Nov. 9, University Policy 502, Sexual Harassment and Interpersonal Violence was revised and rewritten as necessary to ensure compliance…
On Monday, Nov. 9, University Policy 101. 17, Workplace Violence was revised to ensure compliance and consistency with the new University…
Toby Creek meanders through campus, and its on-campus appearance looks different with the removal of trees along the stream corridor…