Faculty and Staff News

Staff CounCil

The UNC Charlotte Staff Council was established to create and provide a more harmonious working environment for the staff of the University. 

The Staff Council Fall Festival is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Oct. 15, in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center.


The Faculty Council is a policy making and consultative body, responsible for the quality of instruction and scholarship at the University.

Learn more about faculty council members, view a meeting schedule, read agendas and minutes and the guidelines for submitting agenda items.

Human REsources

Open Enrollment will occur from Sept. 30 to Oct. 25. Eligible employees will need to make their elections for the 2025 plan year at that time.

Learn more about Open Enrollment.

Pamela Bragg, College of Computing and Informatics, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Sept. 30….

The Dean of Students Office is accepting student applications to be a bell ringer at Fall Commencement in December. Bell…

Shahram Amoui, known professionally as Shamou, died Monday, Sept. 9. He served as music director for dance in the College…

Natasha Walton, Office of Research Services, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Sept. 23. To…

Rhonda Belton, housing and residence life, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Sept. 19. To…

Effective July 18, NiCole Lynch was named the interim head of the Demonstration Activity Resource Team.  As the head of…

What’s New this semester Active Assailant Response Training: All faculty, staff and students are required to complete online active assailant…

Pinku Mukherjee, who has been serving as interim dean of the graduate school, has decided to return to the faculty…

Cole Wildcatt, FM Access Control, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Sept. 4. To contribute…

Robert Franklin (Robin) Brabham Jr., the founding head of UNC Charlotte’s Special Collections, died Aug. 11, after a brief stay…

Jessica Barthel is the passionate education coordinator for the Office of Sustainability. With a background in environmental science and experience…

Michael Cowan, a systems programmer/analyst with OneIT, died Tuesday, Aug 6. Cowan, who joined the University in January 2019, helped…