Faculty and Staff News

The University is currently upgrading the outdoor warning sirens used to alert the campus community of dangerous situations. During the next couple of weeks, the sirens will not be functional; however, all other means of emergency alerting remain in working order. For more information on NinerAlerts and ways in which the campus is notified during emergencies, please see the NinerAlerts page of the emergency management website.

A highlight of commencement is the recognition of individuals for exceptional and distinctive service to the University or the greater community through the awarding of an honorary degree from UNC Charlotte. The Nominations, Honors and Awards Committee is seeking assistance in nominating persons for this honor.

The University’s Board of Trustees has established the following criteria regarding prospective nominees:

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion continues to respond to the expressed interests of students, faculty and staff to connect with ideas, discussions and learning opportunities surrounding issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion. This fall marks the launch of three voluntary series that feature the knowledge and input of UNC Charlotte faculty members as well as that of visiting experts.

Anne Cooper Moore, dean of Atkins Library, has announced she will retire from UNC Charlotte Dec. 31. An interim dean will be named this fall.  

“I appreciate Anne’s service to UNC Charlotte for more than eight years and the impact she has made in elevating the library’s support of teaching and research at the University. We wish her the best in her next chapter,” said Jennifer Troyer, interim provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs.

Stacie Young ’98, senior director of donor relations, has spent her entire adult life at UNC Charlotte. This November, she’ll celebrate 25 years as a staff member. Learn about her role, how her children inspire her, and why state employees should consider supporting the SECC/ASC Campaign.

Can you describe your role at UNC Charlotte?

Selling tickets for a chance to win a prize may seem like an easy way to raise funds for a cause or awareness for an event, but raffles at nonprofit organizations, including state agencies like UNC Charlotte, are actually controlled by North Carolina law. Make sure you know the rules before you sell tickets!

The Division of Research is monitoring the situation and planning so that researchers will experience minimal to no disruption.

Budget includes raises for UNC Charlotte employees.

Melissa McLaughlin, facilities management, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Oct. 5.

To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29; scroll down this web page to locate a link to an online Voluntary Shared Leave Donation Form listed under Application/Donation Procedures.

Chancellor Sharon L. Gaber will host six Breakfast with the Chancellor sessions for faculty and staff during the 2023-24 academic year, starting Oct. 3.
These informal sessions give Gaber an opportunity to hear what’s on the minds of UNC Charlotte faculty and staff, answer questions and discuss topics of interest.
Each monthly session will be 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. There is no formal agenda, and a complimentary breakfast will be provided.

Breakfast with the Chancellor dates are:

This fall, faculty and staff have the opportunity to support the Arts & Science Council and the State Employees Combined Campaign Sept. 18–29. 
Join campaign co-chairs, Dean Catrine Tudor-Locke, College of Health and Human Services, and Jodi Kaplan, executive director of alumni engagement, in support of this community initiative.

UNC Charlotte faculty members can apply for the position of associate dean in the Honors College. The associate dean reports directly to the dean and is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the Honors College, including the curriculum and co-curricular experiences in the University Honors Program, the curricular and programmatic relationship between UHP and department/college honors programs, the development and assessment of department/college honors programs and overseeing Honors College course scheduling, advising, programming, staff and budgeting.