University to host statewide undergraduate research symposium

On Saturday, Nov. 16, undergraduate students from across North Carolina will come to UNC Charlotte to present research at a statewide symposium.

The joint State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium and N.C. Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Annual Research Conference is open to any undergraduate student currently enrolled at a community college or four-year institution in the state.

“Research is a critical aspect of learning for students, whether or not they are considering graduate education in their futures,” said Banita Brown, symposium coordinator and associate dean for student support in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. “We welcome students and others focused on research to our campus, as we continue to grow meaningful opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in research.”

The deadline for students to register and submit their abstracts is noon, Wednesday, Oct. 23. A student is automatically registered after submitting an abstract and obtaining approval from his or her faculty mentor. Students do not pay a registration fee because of the support from sponsors.

The deadline for registration by recruiters, mentors and other non-presenting attendees is Tuesday, Oct.29. Exhibitors and recruiters may have an information table at the event for a $250 fee.

The conference begins at 8 a.m., Nov. 16, with student presentations taking place from 9:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. at various locations across campus. Students, faculty, recruiters from graduate and professional schools, administrators and parents are invited to attend.

Information on the presentation types, parking, directions, agenda, overnight accommodations and other matters can be found on the symposium website.