Williams named interim director of Lab Animal Resources

Effective May 1, Chandra Williams will be interim director for Lab Animal Resources. The appointment was announced by the Research and Economic Development Office.
With nearly two decades of professional veterinarian experience, Williams has served as a driving force in the development and implementation of a wide range of policies and procedures to ensure the proper use and care of animals for research purposes. She has dedicated her time and service to ensuring that researchers and facilities are equipped for the best care of research animals.
Williams holds a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the School of Veterinary Medicine at Tuskegee University in Alabama. Her Bachelor of Science is from North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro. Williams has taught classes, administered American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) certification training programs, provided leadership development training, served on various committees and has co-written six publications in medical journals.
Presently, Williams serves as the University veterinarian and is an adjunct professor of biology. Highlights of her responsibilities and accomplishments include the development of institutional policies to ensure compliance with local, state and federal animal care and use guidelines and regulations; implementation of AALAS certification training program/laboratory animal technologist level with 100 percent certification rate of eligible testers; and providing investigator training in common research techniques, which provides greater flexibility, independence and laboratory compliance.