EH&S Office offers tips to ‘beat the heat’

Summer is under way, and the Office of Environmental Health & Safety reminds employees to be aware of heat-related illness.

According to officials, extremely hot weather can cause serious health effects, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which may lead to death. People who work outdoors in extreme heat are more likely to become dehydrated and are at increased risk to suffer heat-related illness.

Some tips to beat the heat include:

  • Schedule tasks for early or late in the day to avoid midday heat
  • Take breaks to cool off
  • Drink water – it is recommended to consumer two to four cups of water every hour while working; don’t wait until thirsty
  • Use sunscreen and reapply as indicated by the package
  • Wear a brimmed hat and loose, lightweight and light-colored clothing

Employees who experience heat-related illness symptoms, such as muscle cramps, headaches, nausea or vomiting, should seek medical care immediately. Contact campus police (704-687-2200).

The EH&S website includes a fact sheet on heat stress.