Rowe Galleries to open three new shows Oct. 2

The Rowe Galleries will feature four artists in three shows during October.
The lower gallery will display “Evergreen: Vespiary,” featuring work by two guest ceramic artists: Valery Zimany and Daniel Bare, professors from Clemson University. The upper gallery will exhibit two independent shows “Heritage” by photographer and University of Virginia professor Pamela Pecchio and “Into the Screen: Still-Life Moving Image,” oil “still-life portraiture” paintings by artist Andrew Leventis.
An opening reception will be held from 5 to 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 2, in the galleries of the Rowe Arts Building. Prior to the reception, Zimany and Bare will speak about their work and processes at 4 p.m. in the Rowe Lecture Hall.
Zimany and Bare’s installation in the lower gallery will include new work created at UNC Charlotte this week with student assistance. The Department of Art & Art History has been collecting a random assortment of objects during the past month, which the visiting artists and art students will slip-coat in ceramic to hang in the gallery on Oct. 2.
All the displays will be exhibited through Friday, Oct. 31.