$2 million launches Siemens Energy Large Manufacturing Solutions Laboratory

With the support of local industry that will benefit from its research capabilities, UNC Charlotte dedicated its new Siemens Energy Large Manufacturing Solutions Laboratory Feb. 9.
The lab was made possible with $2 million in support from Siemens Energy and Hexagon Metrology. Housed in the University’s Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC), the new lab will conduct research on the precision dimensional measurement of large-scale energy components. Siemens provided funding for lab construction and Hexagon provided a Leitz PMM-F 30-20-16 coordinate measuring machine as the first major component of the lab.
“Large scale manufacturing is complex, and this lab will allow UNC Charlotte faculty, students and partners to continually research and innovate, keeping our talent pipeline and global competitiveness on the cutting edge,” said Mark Pringle, vice president of Siemens Charlotte energy hub. “The rising need for manufacturing technology development in the U.S. makes this lab a truly valuable asset, and Siemens is proud of this joint effort.”
UNC Charlotte Chancellor Philip Dubois noted that the lab will strengthen the mission of EPIC and the William States Lee College of Engineering in supplying the workforce and research needed to support advanced manufacturing in North Carolina.
“With the very generous support of Siemens Energy and Hexagon Metrology, we are making an important step in that mission today with the dedication of the Siemens Large Manufacturing Solutions Laboratory,” Dubois said. “I want to thank Mark Pringle at Siemens, along with Angus Taylor at Hexagon, for providing all the resources that made this possible.”
The new lab builds on the expertise of UNC Charlotte’s Center for Precision Metrology, which is one of the foremost programs in the world in the areas of precision measurement and manufacturing. With the addition of the 60,000-pound Leitz PMM-F machine, researchers will be able to measure parts up to 3x2x1.6 meters to an accuracy of a few microns. The new machine is in a temperature-controlled room of 20 degrees Celsius that fluctuates no more than .5 of a degree.
John Ziegert, UNC Charlotte professor of mechanical engineering and engineering science, is the director of the Siemens Large Manufacturing Lab.
“This world-class dimensional measuring machine provides unique capabilities that will enable UNC Charlotte faculty and students to provide benefits to Siemens, as well as other companies in North Carolina and throughout the nation.” Ziegert said. “We fully understand that Siemens and Hexagon expect impact and return on the very significant investments they have made here. We are committed to doing everything in our power to deliver that impact, and to grow the partnership.”