Former MeckEd director joins College of Education

Bill Anderson, former executive director of the public education advocacy group MeckEd, is joining the University’s College of Education as special assistant to the dean for community relations.
Anderson, a veteran teacher, administrator and educational policy leader, has nearly four decades of experience. He completed a master’s degree in education from the University in 1989 and a doctorate in 2001.
“I want to have a positive impact by encouraging some of our community’s best and brightest young people to consider making a commitment to the profession of teaching,” said Anderson. “I am very concerned the teaching profession has lost some of its luster, both locally and nationally, over the past few years. Anything I can do to work with local school districts and the COED to reverse this trend is very appealing to me professionally.”
Anderson will lead the efforts to build community connections that will advance the college’s work. He will focus on developing relationships with schools, businesses and local community groups. He also will teach, write grants, direct special projects and work with the director of development to solicit contributions.
A teacher in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools for a decade, Anderson was a principal for 14 years and has spent the last nine with educational nonprofit organizations. This broad base of experiences pays dividends, he stated.
“It has given me a unique perspective and understanding about the importance of collaboration and partnerships between numerous stakeholders.”
Anderson said his goals align closely with those of College of Education Dean Ellen McIntyre. He said both recognize the importance of developing quality teachers for North Carolina and especially the Charlotte region.
“It is my hope the UNC Charlotte College of Education will be an active participant in helping to shape that debate (around public education) and realize outcomes that will support the mission of the college and support the needs of our local school districts and communities,” he added.
But Anderson’s initial priorities are simple – to listen and learn.
“Over the years, I’ve learned the importance of listening and observing. I clearly do not have all the answers and will be leaning heavily on my new colleagues to learn about their perspectives and philosophies when it comes to strategic planning and execution of that plan.”