Summer ‘Sensible Saving Sessions’ to provide financial advice

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

Financial planning can help employees to achieve important fiscal goals – from budgeting for unexpected expenses to sustaining one’s lifestyle in retirement.

Since 2011, the NCFlex Program, a benefit for state employees, has offered financial planning sessions to assist workers who have questions regarding topics such as retirement planning, estate planning, 401(k) plans or other financial wellness topics.

NCFlex, in partnership with the Office of State Human Resources, State Employees Credit Union, State Retirement System and the State Prudential 401(k)/457 plan, will hold “Sensible Saving Sessions” during the summer.

Employees interested in attending one of the statewide sessions can register online.

Seating is limited for these popular sessions; organizers recommend early registration.

Note: the Charlotte session previously promoted in Inside UNC Charlotte has reached its registration limit; the above-mentioned website lists other locations across with state with available seating.