UNC Charlotte to host international manufacturing research conference

UNC Charlotte is hosting the 43rd Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC) and the 10th American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2015) from Monday, June 8, through Friday, June 12, at the Hilton Charlotte University Place. This combined event is the premier international forum for applied research and industrial applications in manufacturing and design.
“NAMRC-MSEC 2015 will bring together more than 450 manufacturing researchers and specialists from throughout the world,” said conference director John Ziegert, professor of mechanical engineering and engineering science in the Lee College of Engineering. “This event is timely because of recent increased recognition of the vital role a vigorous manufacturing sector has on our nation’s ability to innovate and compete in a global marketplace. The research results presented at this conference will support and strengthen U.S.-based manufacturing by ensuring continued technological innovation.”
The 2015 conference schedule will include keynote and technical presentations, expert panels, student poster presentations, an exhibition of industry partners, an early career forum, UNC Charlotte lab tours, an awards banquet, luncheons and more.
Since 1973, NAMRC has served as the premier international forum for academic research and industrial applications in manufacturing where global academic and industrial leaders in manufacturing interact with each other and advance the field.
This will be the 10th annual MSEC, and the conference will highlight cutting-edge manufacturing research in technical paper, technical presentation, posters and panel sessions.
Conference highlights include the keynote address “An Engineers View of the Third Industrial Revolution” by Chuck Hull, co-founder and chief technology officer of 3D Systems, at 8:15 a.m., June 9. More than 125 presentations, discussions and forums are scheduled for the week-long conference on a variety of topics, including:
- Advances in nontraditional manufacturing
- Advances in manufacturing processes for biomedical materials and devices
- State-of-the-art, challenges and research needs to further additive manufacturing
- Cyber-physical systems in manufacturing
- Monitoring, sensing and control for intelligent machining and inspection
- Additive manufacturing materials