Belk College’s Moutaz Khouja is a finalist for 2015 Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence

Moutaz Khouja, professor of business information systems and operations management, is the second of five finalists for the 2015 Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence to be featured in Inside UNC Charlotte.

Stanley Schneider, professor of biological sciences; Mohamed Shehab, associate professor of software and information systems; and Beth Whitaker, associate professor of political science and public administration; also are being featured in Inside UNC Charlotte prior to the naming of this year’s recipient on Friday, Sept. 18. Read more about John Beattie from the College of Education, who is a finalist, too.

According to Khouja, he sought a career in academia because he was motivated by many excellent teachers throughout his educational career. In reflecting on the characteristics that made these teachers exceptional, he noticed they did five things well: they were respectful of students; they transmitted up-to-date knowledge to students in a clear and organized fashion; they encouraged students to be independent and critical thinkers; they inspired students with their own enthusiasm; and, most importantly, they enjoyed teaching.

In his own approach to teaching, Khouja strives to incorporate these five characteristics and to continuously improve his teaching.

“My goal,” he said, “is that each time I teach a course, I do it better than the previous time.”

Khouja conducts research and publishes in the areas of inventory management and production planning, and he effectively and enthusiastically brings his content expertise into the classroom.

Antonis Stylianou, chair of the Department of Business Information Systems and Operations Management, stated, “I firmly believe that Dr. Khouja is one of the best teachers we have at the University. Although this is not a research evaluation, I would like to point out that Dr. Khouja has achieved such an outstanding teaching record while at the same time being the most prolific researcher in the college. His research informs his teaching.”

In the classroom, Khouja engages students by effectively demonstrating the importance of the concepts they are learning to the success of a business and to the well-being of society as a whole. He also ensures students have historical background about the scientists credited with major advancements in the field and their positive impact on the well-being of humanity. He delivers challenging material because he firmly believes his students are capable of rising to those challenges. His dedication to providing one-on-one support to his students is part of the secret to their success.

It is clear to students that Khouja loves teaching.

Jordan Cox, a senior operations and supply chain management major, wrote, “His passion oozed out during his lectures and captured everyone’s attention in the process. Dr. Khouja stood out as an outstanding teacher because he always ensured that questions asked in class were answered in a way that not only the person asking would understand but also in a way that encouraged other questions to be asked, no matter the question. He really made me want to learn the topics being discussed.”

Since his arrival at UNC Charlotte in 1991, Khouja has developed several of the department’s undergraduate and graduate courses in the area of operations and supply chain management; taught with great success in the Belk College of Business undergraduate honors program; developed and delivered several continuing education seminars; and taught internationally in Mexico, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

In recognition of his excellence in MBA teaching, Khouja received the Gray’s MBA Faculty Award in 1999, was awarded the Belk College Distinguished Scholarship Award in 1997 and 2010 and earned the Belk College Distinguished Service Award in 2011.