‘UNC Charlotte Votes’ an effort to foster civic engagement
As North Carolina’s urban research university, UNC Charlotte is committed to fostering a spirit of civic engagement on campus.
“Civic engagement and education go hand-in-hand,” said Joan Lorden, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. “UNC Charlotte encourages faculty, staff and students to take full advantage of opportunities to learn about and get involved in the issues, discussions and democratic processes that shape a productive society.”
As part of the 49er Democracy Experience, all eligible members of the UNC Charlotte community are encouraged to exercise their right to vote. The updated website provides current voter registration information as well as links to TurboVote and the Board of Elections websites for Mecklenburg County and North Carolina. The website also serves as an information hub for civic engagement around the 2016 election cycle and beyond.
The presidential primary is on the March 15 ballot, which will include the Connect NC bond referendum that, if passed, would provide $90 million for science education at UNC Charlotte and a total of $135 million for the Charlotte region.
UNC Charlotte’s partnership with TurboVote is an important aspect of the University’s student-based voter registration and mobilization efforts. TurboVote is a nonprofit agency that runs a software program to help students register to vote, update their voter registration and request an absentee ballot. TurboVote will send participants all necessary voter registration forms along with a stamped envelope. The software also sends electronic reminders to participants regarding important local and federal elections dates and locations.
For individuals who have not registered to vote, sign up at http://uncc.turbovote.org. TurboVote makes the registration process quick and easy, but deadlines are approaching rapidly. Friday, Feb. 19 is the last day to register to vote before North Carolina’s presidential primary on March 15.
Members of the campus community can register to vote and obtain more information about the March 15 ballot at locations in Atkins Library and the Student Union on Tuesdays and Wednesdays through Feb. 19.