Africana Studies professor awarded Carnegie fellowship to study in Nigeria

At the University of Jos, Africana Studies professor Honore Missihoun plans to teach and analyze texts from Francophone countries in Africa to better understand how the exploitation of women, land and natural resources resulted from patriarchal and male-dominated societies.
“We are witnessing the degradation of our environment, and now it has become a very important issue in academia. Literature and texts are focusing on the aspect of human activities and how we handle environmental issues,” said Missihoun, a native of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast). “Women are the beginning of civilization but are used as tools at the hands of men to perpetuate masculine prosperity and posterity. The environment is a living entity, but the way we are polluting and exploiting it is the same way the patriarchal system through endrocentric ideals has exploited women.”
Missihoun has received a Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship (CADFP) to conduct research at the University of Jos, Nigeria. During a three-month fellowship, from mid-May to mid-August, he will focus on the areas of eco-feminism and eco-criticism in the environmental literature of Francophone Africa and the African Diaspora.
Feminism advocates the emancipation of women from a male-dominated system, and eco-feminism explores the connection between ecological or environmental concerns and those of the feminist movement, explained Missihoun.
Nigeria is the largest crude oil producer in West Africa, and the economy is largely based on the exportation of oil. According to Missihoun, the exportation of crude oil from Nigeria is an example of environmental exploitation.
“The government exploits this resource by partnering with multinational oil companies like British Petroleum, Shell or Exxon without allocating dividends to native Nigerians. Particularly the oil-rich land native people of the Urhobo ethnic group of the Niger Delta of Nigeria,” Missihoun stated.
As a scholar in the interdisciplinary field of Africana Studies, Missihoun considers both the physical, civic and artistic impact of his research.
“When natives claim rights to their land or oppose the exploitation of natural resources, they are repressed by the federal government and these multinational companies. This implies eco-political, environmental, economic and demographic issues,” he said.
While at the University of Jos, Nigeria, Missihoun will teach and mentor students studying Francophone cultures and environmental literature.
Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowships are awarded to African-born scholars who are currently living in the United States or Canada and working at colleges/universities. Applicants submit project proposals detailing the resources of the host institution and the potential impact of the problem to be addressed.
Institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda host fellows to work on projects involving research collaboration, graduate student teaching/mentoring and curriculum co-development. Fellowships are offered by the Institute of International of Education in collaboration with the U.S. International University-Africa. The program is funded by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Missihoun joined UNC Charlotte in 2003; his research interests include environmental literature; ecocriticism and ecofeminism; environmental justice; black Atlantic and black cosmopolitan literature; race, ethnicity, gender and class the United States; and liberal studies. He completed a Master of Arts in Teaching from Kent State University. In 2006, he earned a Ph.D. in romance languages and comparative literature from UNC Chapel Hill. Missihoun has studied internationally at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain, and the University of Coimbra, Portugal, where he received a master’s degree in teaching linguistics.