CATS energizes Blue Line Extension’s overhead electrical system

Construction crews working on the LYNX Blue Line Extension, the 9.3-mile extension to Charlotte’s current light rail system, have energized the overhead catenary system (OCS) throughout the entire alignment up to UNC Charlotte. The OCS provides electricity that powers light rail vehicles through a pantograph at the top of the vehicle. The system carries 750 volts, direct current.

Citizens are advised to avoid areas where the OCS is located as serious injury or death could occur. Contact the Rail Operations Control Center (704) 432-5040 immediately if potential work near OCS wires must occur. The only individuals permitted to interact with the OCS are highly trained CATS employees and CATS contractors who are prepared to safely work on the system.

The Blue Line Extension is scheduled to begin passenger service by March 2018. As CATS prepares to bring light rail service to north Charlotte, the public is asked to remain alert and cautious when driving, walking or biking along the alignment.