University welcomes new employees

UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the July 11-12 New Employee Orientation session:

Adult Students and Evening Services
Alexandra Lackard, academic advisor

Jacob Jury, assistant softball coach
Bradley Queen, assistant football coach
Nicolas Robinson, assistant women’s golf coach

Building Environmental Services
Glenn Brown, building environmental technician
Cody Hoyle, building environmental technician
Rosemary Jenkins, building environmental technician
Susan Nicolas, building environmental technician

College of Health and Human Services
Nicole Ramey-Moultrie, administrative support associate

Amy Shehee, director of planned giving

Employee Relations
Heather Benson, human resource specialist

Facilities Operations
Ryan Reichert, electronics specialist

Financial Services
Anne Brown, associate vice chancellor for finance

Housing and Residence Life
William LeNoir, property security officer

Lee College of Engineering
Stephanie Galloway, director of assessment and advising

Parking and Transportation Services
Dannie Mirovich, vehicle equipment operator

Research and Economic Development
Donna Eaton, director of research compliance

Student Activities
Michael Maksymowski, assistant director

Undergraduate Admissions
Maria Thompson, student services specialist

Photo: (front row, l to r) Michael Maksymowski, Dannie Mirovich, Susan Nicolas, Bradley Queen, Nicole Ramey-Moultrie, Ryan Reichert, Nicolas Robinson, Amy Shehee and Maria Thompson; (back row, l to r) Heather Benson, Anne Brown, Glenn Brown, Donna Eaton, Stephanie Galloway, Cody Hoyle, Rosemary Jenkins, Jacob Jury, Alexandra Lackard and William LeNoir

New Employee Orientation, coordinated by the Human Resources Department, is a two-day program offered twice each month for new, permanent SHRA and EHRA employees. For more information, visit the learning and organizational development website.