Veterans Services Office now ‘green-certified’

UNC Charlotte’s Veterans Services Office is committed to reducing its environmental footprint.

As the first office on campus to attain a Green Office Certification for the 2017-18 academic year, Veterans Services sets an example the Sustainability Office hopes many will follow.

“The certification process is simple and helps reinforce some of the positive actions an office is doing to contribute to the sustainability mission of the University, as well as helps to identify some items that can be set as future goals,” said Tyler Sytsma, University sustainability coordinator.

Now in its third year, the Green Office Certification program is an initiative overseen by the Sustainability Office. Certification topics include energy, recycling, re-use, waste reduction, purchasing, transportation, office common areas and participation. Additionally, points are awarded for innovation if a unit’s unique ability to do something easily can be applied by other departments on campus.

“Many of the items on the checklist were second nature to us, but there were a few we pinpointed that we could pursue going forward,” stated Chris Brasel, Veterans Services administrative assistant. “Our goal is to move from our level three certification to level four the next time we undergo this assessment.”

Sytsma added, “Although the level four certification is the highest and most difficult to achieve, it is doable and highly reflects the commitment of the Veterans Services Office to challenge themselves and support the University’s sustainability mission.”

As the University continues to grow, it is increasingly important to be mindful of how resources consumed as a campus community can limit the amount of pollution sent to a landfill and the atmosphere, he stated.

More information about the application process, including a checklist, is available online. For all other inquires about the Green Office Program email