Registration underway for Women + Girls Research Alliance Summit

Categories: Research Tags: Academic Affairs, Research

Every two years, the Women + Girls Research Alliance at UNC Charlotte hosts a summit focused on important issues in the lives of women and girls. The 2018 summit, scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, April 4-5, is devoted to “The Story of the Charlotte Girl.”

The Women + Girls Research Alliance, in collaboration with community partners, has been exploring issues that affect girls and their families in Charlotte. From body image to STEM education, from economic mobility to violence, UNC Charlotte researchers have examined issues that can create barriers to success – or shatter them.

Lyn Mikel Brown, author of “Powered by Girl: A Field Guide for Supporting Youth Activists,” will deliver the evening keynote at 7 p.m., April 4, in the Cone University Center, McKnight Hall. Summit panels will explore various topics, including collaboration, the power of story, how to use data effectively to advocate for change and more.

On April 5, the summit will offer two invitation-only workshops. “Write to Change the World,” in conjunction with the Op-Ed Project, is for girls age 15-19. “More Art than Science,” led by Brown, will deal with scaffolding intergenerational girl-driven activism.

The Women + Girls Research Alliance Summit is free and open to the public; registration is required for the day sessions on Thursday, April 4.

More information and registration details are on the web.