Doctoral students celebrate ‘ultimate academic achievement’

Completing a doctorate is a major academic milestone that requires years of rigor and dedication. For the 74 individuals who participated in this year’s annual Doctoral Hooding Ceremony, May 9, the journey takes on even greater meaning.

“As our campus and community continues to recover from the events of last week, we want to take time to applaud the efforts of our doctoral graduate class and congratulate them for reaching the ultimate academic achievement,” said Tom Reynolds, associate provost and dean of UNC Charlotte’s Graduate School.

At Thursday’s ceremony in McKnight Hall, students representing 19 of the 24 doctoral programs offered through six of the colleges at the University were hooded by Reynolds and students’ academic advisors.

Priyanka GroverPriyanka Grover, outgoing president of the Graduate and Professional Student Government, also addressed the ceremony attendees. Grover, who received a Ph.D. in biology, spoke of the many lessons she learned during her graduate career—how to juggle, to be selfish, to learn from perceived failures.

“And this past week, I learned the impact of service. I learned giving selflessly to save others. I learned to appreciate the many people who worked tirelessly to ensure that UNC Charlotte is and will remain a safe haven for our students,” said Grover.

“And I learned of the countless students and administrative members who stand together, stronger than ever, in the face of adversity,” she continued. “So as the doctoral members of the UNC Charlotte community, I ask you to spread the lessons that UNC Charlotte has had to learn in the past few days. Service doesn’t have to change the world, just the small little corner we live in. Take the wisdom gained through your time at UNC Charlotte and make a change in your corner of the world. Whether it is service through research, volunteering, voting or even smiling at someone crossing the street, honor the legacies of Riley Howell and Ellis Reed Parlier. Honor the strength of UNC Charlotte.”

Click here to view more images from the ceremony.

Doctoral student receives diploma at Spring 2019 hooding ceremony