CHHS dean honored by alma mater

Catrine Tudor-Locke, dean of the UNC Charlotte College of Health and Human Services, was named the 2019 Alumna of the Year by the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada.
“Catrine is an esteemed researcher known worldwide for her work in the field of walking behavior and an excellent example of alumni who have formed the basis for their research careers as undergraduate students at the U of L,” said Matthew McHugh, chair of the ULAA Recognition Committee. “Her work is highly respected, and she is a leader in authoring publications that advance her field of study. We’re very excited to recognize Catrine with this award acknowledging her contributions to the science of physical activity and the betterment of public health.”
As a leading academic researcher in the field of walking behavior, Tudor-Locke is a guiding force in the effort to tackle prominent public health issues.
Through analysis of physical activity as captured by pedometer- and accelerometer-measured walking habits, Tudor-Locke has conducted assessment of steps per day across the lifespan that paints a picture of the impacts of physical activity in populations. As public health problems associated with physical inactivity continue to persist, her research provides a much-needed glimpse into the data-grounded realities surrounding this issue.
As a researcher, she has written 300-plus peer-reviewed publications, more than 100 of which are with Tudor-Locke as the first author. She has presented at numerous national and international conferences and delivered more than 90 invited academic lectures worldwide.
Tudor-Locke is an elected fellow to the United States’ National Academy of Kinesiology and an active member of the American College of Sports Medicine, the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity and the International Society for Physical Activity and Health.
Beyond her accolades, Tudor-Locke actively and passionately seeks to translate her research into practical applications within communities. As a trained program evaluator and adult educator, she is able to bring the realities of her research to those that could most benefit from its findings.
Following completion of a Bachelor of Science at U of L, she earned a Master of Kinesiology from Dalhousie University and a doctorate in health studies and gerontology from the University of Waterloo.
Tudor-Locke will be honored at University of Lethbridge’s 2019 Fall Convocation.