Lockdown kits now installed in most University classrooms

Lockdown kits now installed in most University classrooms
Friday, January 17, 2020

Chancellor Philip L.Dubois indicated lockdown kits would be installed in all classroom and laboratory spaces on campus in his Nov. 1, 2019, community update. Phase 1 of that project is now complete.

Lockdown kits containing a door wedge and/or pieces of cut fire hose have been installed in most classrooms and teaching laboratories on main campus that do not have doors that can be locked by occupants from the inside.

The kits are most commonly located on the teaching podiums or near the safety posters in each room. They are in tan bags labeled “Classroom Lockdown Kit. Do Not Remove.”

Review the lockdown video for instructions on how to use the lockdown kits (a demonstration is available at the 6:25 mark).

Classrooms and laboratories that are controlled through swipe card or keypad access did not receive a kit since those doors remain locked at all times.

There are a few classrooms and teaching laboratories that do not lock internally for which neither the door wedge nor cut fire hose will work. The Department of Safety and Security is assessing other solutions for these doors, such as lock replacement, and will have those solutions in place over the next few weeks.

Phase 2 of the plan will begin this semester to broaden distribution of lockdown kits to other laboratory, conference and office spaces on campus.

Individuals who are in a classroom or teaching laboratory that does not lock from the inside and do not see a lockdown kit should contact Safety and Security by completing this form.

Direct questions to Bronwyn Jarsocrak at bjarsocr@uncc.edu or 704-687-8477.