Update on South Village Residence Halls

Dear Niner Nation,
As you know, the COVID-19 situation continues to be very fluid, and UNC Charlotte is working closely with county, state, and hospital leadership to prepare and ensure our community has the resources to manage through this crisis.
Today, Mecklenburg County announced that the projections for overflow hospital patients are significantly lower than original estimates, and that social distancing protocols are helping advance these efforts. Based on these updated projections and the needs of the hospital systems, I have suspended the second phase of the move-out for South Village residence halls this week until we gain further direction from the county.
Also, based on North Carolina’s statewide stay-at-home order in effect through April 29, we ask that students and families do not return to campus to secure their belongings until the order is lifted. Once the county and state’s directives have been lifted, a process for complete check out of all residence halls will be shared.
I want to thank all of our students in Hunt, Laurel, and Levine and their families who returned quickly to campus over the weekend to retrieve belongings and our staff members who facilitated this effort.
Our preparations were not in vain. If the fight against COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is to expect the unexpected and to be ready to adjust quickly to changing information.
We stand ready to help if we are needed by Mecklenburg County and the State of North Carolina. If called upon, Niner Nation will do what is necessary to help safeguard the lives of our families, friends, and neighbors.
I appreciate your continued flexibility and patience in this extraordinary situation.
Philip L. Dubois