Meet Charlotte’s Club Swim Team

Categories: General News Tags: Student Life

Charlotte’s Club Swim Team is a place for swimmers of all levels to practice and compete in the sport they love without the pressure and time commitment that comes with being on a collegiate varsity team.

The team is currently crowdfunding to help them become more successful, access better resources and gain team exposure. Their goal is to raise $5,000 to attend the College Club Swimming National Championships at Ohio State University, March 31 through April 2. Ten members of the team qualified for nationals!

Learn more about the team and their crowdfunding project in this Q&A.

Why did you get involved with the club swim team?

“I got involved because I wanted to be a part of a team, meet friends and continue to swim in college,” said Meg Erdman, a junior criminal justice major with minors in intelligence studies and legal studies. “I met two members of the club swim team before I joined, and their compassion, work ethic and friendliness is what pushed me to start attending practices.”

“I have been swimming since I was less than three years old and I have been on a swim team since I was five,” said Thomas Ulrich, a junior mechanical engineering major with a focus in motorsports. “When I came to Charlotte and found out about the swim club team, I knew I wanted to join.”

How has the swim club team enhanced your UNC Charlotte experience?

“The swim club team has completely changed my college experience here at UNC Charlotte,” said Erdman. “I have met my second family and I love being a part of this team. It has taught me how to work hard, manage my time and just overall have fun.”

“The swim club team has given me numerous friends,” said Ulrich I am constantly spending time with the team outside of practice and I even rent a house with three other members. But the social aspect is not the only part I enjoy. Club swimming gives me a great outlet to be competitive and improve myself as a swimmer.”

Why should Niner Nation support your crowdfunding project?

“If you ask any member of the club swim team if they like the club, I can guarantee their answer will be, “yes,” said Thomas Spivey, a junior mechanical engineering major with a focus in motorsports. ”By supporting the club’s crowdfunding project you are helping the numerous members have an even better experience not only swimming but at UNC Charlotte as a whole.”

“The club swim team represents UNC Charlotte on a national level,” said Zack Wilson, a junior computer science major. “With the opportunity to score big against over 100 large schools, we can bring Charlotte into the college swimming world. Last year we had two swimmers place top 10 in the nation at nationals, there is no reason we can’t do that again with your help!”

Editor’s Note: Visit the Swim Club Team’s crowdfunding website to make your gift today.