Meet Joy Mayo

Meet Joy Mayo, a junior communication studies major and recent transfer student. Learn more about her, and her passions and goals for now and the future.
Are you part of any clubs, groups or programs on campus?
I am a part of the Charlotte chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America. It is an organization for public relations students that creates networking opportunities, allows us to meet professionals in our field and helps to expand our experience before getting into the workforce. I am also a part of M28, a college campus ministry. The name comes from Matthew chapter 28, found in the Bible, and the theme/goal of the group is “Jesus, Church, Mission.” We meet every Thursday night at 8 p.m. in Rowe for fellowship, worship and Bible study.
Why did you choose UNC Charlotte?
I graduated from Central Piedmont Community College in the spring of 2022 and transferred to UNC Charlotte the following semester. I chose UNC Charlotte to be close to home. The transition was so easy, and I truly love this campus and am grateful to be here.
What advice would you give to students looking to transfer to UNC Charlotte?
My advice would be to get to know the other students in your classes, especially as you get into your major/concentration. Some of your classmates will be in several of your classes throughout your time at Charlotte. So, get to know them and form relationships in the classroom.
What led you to pursue an education in communications?
I have always loved writing, public speaking and sharing other’s stories. As I narrowed down what I wanted to do in the workforce, and considered my skills, I chose communication studies. I have absolutely loved my experience in this field.
What are your career and professional goals?
My dream job, and the goal that I am currently moving toward, would be working for an adoption agency or for the foster care system. I have always had a heart for adoption and would one day love to open my home by adopting or fostering.
Who has been the greatest influence in your life?
The greatest influence in my life has been my Lord and Savior, Jesus! I would not be who I am, or where I am, today without His guidance and grace in my life. Secondly, my parents. They have influenced me in such positive ways, and I cannot even begin to thank them for it. Finally, my twin sister! She is my right hand and has been my best friend through life.
What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?
I have a 1-year-old puppy named Bear. She is a mini–Australian Shepard/Poodle mix. She is wild, silly and a great little pal.