Enjoying Charlotte’s natural beauty

Faculty, staff and students were asked about their favorite areas around campus. UNC Charlotte may be the state’s urban research university, but there are many beautifully maintained green spaces, gardens, ponds and greenways to admire. Here’s what some employees had to say:
Susie Harwood Garden in the Botanical Gardens
“The pagoda in the Susie Harwood Gardens overlooking the pond.”
A breath-taking overview
“The plaza between Grigg and Duke overlooking Jerry Richardson Stadium.”
Beautiful pathways on campus
“The walking paths on the south side of campus by the rec fields and Levine Hall!”
Davis Pond and Veterans Park
Mallard Creek Greenway
“We are so fortunate to have an immaculate part of nature run through the heart of our campus. I have been running (trained for half and full marathons) on all the nature trails that Charlotte has to offer. Just as the campus has exploded in development over the past 15-plus years during my time here, so have the greenway paths. Going from dirt roads kept clear by the various trailblazers to the ‘newly’’ cleared and paved paths, lunch break is the perfect time to mentally reset on a short walk to explore nature, snakes, salamanders, deer, birds of prey and butterflies. It’s all out there and such a joy to experience.”
(Cathy Moore on the Mallard Creek Greenway)
Hechenbleikner Lake
“My favorite spot on campus is Hechenbleikner Lake! This is my favorite lunchtime spot on campus where I can watch the cattails and yellow irises sway in the wind on a clear spring day. If you’re lucky, you can spot a Great Blue Heron!”
The Mellichamp Native Terrace in the Botanical Gardens
A hidden oasis
“My favorite spot on campus is the pond by the engineering area. I love going here because it gives me serenity and reflection to just be at the moment with whatever hobbies I choose to do outside of school, from reading to yoga. I go there during the afternoons when the sun’s the brightest and there is little wind after my engineering classes.”