Revised fall break schedule announced

The Faculty Council and Chancellor’s Cabinet recently approved revised dates for the fall 2023 break, which will now take place Monday, Oct. 23, and Tuesday, Oct. 24. The full schedule for fall 2023 is available on the Registrar’s Office website.
With the change, the University will be able to host Niner Nation Week, Homecoming and Family Weekend in mid-October instead of the weekend before Thanksgiving Break, as was originally scheduled.
Niner Nation Week, Homecoming and Family Weekend
Niner Nation Week will be held Oct. 8-15 with a variety of events on campus and throughout the city to showcase everything that makes Charlotte special.
The week will culminate in a giant celebration Oct. 13-15, as the University welcomes both alumni and families back to campus for a collective Homecoming and Family Weekend. Among the many highlights will be watching Coach Biff Poggi and the Charlotte 49ers take on Navy that Saturday.
More information about the fall events will be released over the next several months.