Crowdfunding to help expand Alternative Spring Break opportunities

Looking for a unique way to spend spring break? Alternative Service Break is a volunteer experience during which students forgo their traditional spring break activities and engage in direct service to a community beyond their own.
Whether building houses, cleaning up after storms or playing with kids and animals, students learn about new cultures, social issues and how to be an active citizen through ASB.
“Through this program, students become aware of their impact on the world around them, how they can educate themselves and educate others,” said Jessica Whitaker, a junior ASB student coordinator majoring in elementary education and minoring in childhood literature. “Students are put on the frontline for a week and address the systemic factors that influence the condition of specific people or a social issue.”
The program is currently crowdfunding to help offset the cost of food and lodging for the trips, in addition to creating scholarships for student participants. The ASB team has a fundraising goal of $2,500.
“The funds raised will be used to make these trips more accessible to all students on campus,” said Breyonna Brannon, a junior ASB coordinator majoring in nursing and minoring in public health. “Regardless of their financial circumstances, we want everyone to have the chance to experience ASB.”
UNC Charlotte’s ASB began during the 2019-20 academic year. This year, the group is sponsoring five ASB trips. Each trip has two student site leaders who plan and organize the trips and one staff member or learning partner chaperone.
Editor’s Note: Visit Alternative Spring Break’s crowdfunding website to make your gift today.