Meet Linda Diggs

As the administrative support specialist for the staff awards and recognition program, Linda Diggs has made her mark ensuring employees are valued and recognized for their hard work. Learn more about her role and what she loves to do away from the office.
Can you describe your role at UNC Charlotte?
I am responsible for the administration of the Staff Years of Service Quarterly Awards and Recognition Program. Staff members who reach important milestones in service to the state of North Carolina receive a service award certificate, pin, letter from their division’s vice chancellor and service award dollars to use at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore.
Additionally, I administer and execute the annual Staff Employee of the Year Award and Recognition event. Any permanent employee of UNC Charlotte can submit a nomination, and employees are encouraged to recommend colleagues for this honor before the deadline. The 2024 Staff Employee of the Year “Sweet Success” event is scheduled for Wednesday, April 10.
I am also the State of North Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence nomination coordinator for UNC Charlotte. The Governor’s Award for Excellence is the highest award a state employee can receive and a UNC Charlotte employee was an award recipient in 2023.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
I worked as a project manager for many years at Bank of America and Wells Fargo, so my job here at UNC Charlotte utilizes the skills I have acquired over the years. I am passionate about meeting and event planning and providing Charlotte employees with a great recognition experience. Recognizing employees’ hard work and exceeding expectations is so important. My job was especially rewarding when one of our Governor’s Award for Excellence nominations resulted in a UNC Charlotte’s employee winning in the human relations category in 2023. It was an honor being a part of such a prestigious award.
What’s something about your job that most people don’t know?
The Staff Employee of the Year event planning begins shortly after the event is over from one year to the next. There are some details of the event that take nearly a year to complete.
What do you love about UNC Charlotte?
I love the welcoming atmosphere at UNC Charlotte where I have always felt privileged to be a part of. I love the energy of the campus!
What three words best describe UNC Charlotte?
Three words that best describe UNC Charlotte are inclusive, transformational and innovative.
What advice do you have for employees?
Take time to experience every aspect of the University such as the beautiful Botanical Gardens, exciting football games and stimulating webinars and workshops.
What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
I love to read, exercise, volunteer and serve at my church. I also host an annual event for women to celebrate and honor the life of my very accomplished sister who passed away in 2010. This April will be my 11th year of hosting “Matters of the Heart” and the mission is to educate, empower and encourage. I strongly advocate for women’s health and well-being.
What’s your favorite quote?
“I never lose. I either win or learn,” Nelson Mandela.