
UNC Charlotte has been awarded a $698,123 Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program grant from the National Science Foundation to enhance…

What it means to be a woman of color is the focus of a conversation series that begins at 12:30…

The Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC) and Siemens have awarded the fall 2012 Siemens Energy Scholarships to three undergraduates…

James Tabor, chair of the Department of Religious Studies, is a well-recognized blogger by peers in the field. His TaborBlog…

Zhiwei Li, a doctoral student in software and information systems in the College of Computing and Informatics, will defend the…

The Graduate School is accepting nominations for its annual Master’s Thesis Awards, which are presented based on the clarity of…

While many of their peers were sitting in air-conditioned classrooms during the summer, some UNC Charlotte students literally were getting their…

On Friday, the University staged a training exercise to test enhanced methods of responding to threats on campus. Since then,…

Bioinformatics professor Anthony Fodor is among the authors of recent research papers that portend a huge breakthrough for personalized health care. The news…