Lowe’s CEO and Alum Invests in Belk College of Business

Alumnus Robert A. Niblock, chairman, president and CEO of Lowe’s Companies, Inc., recently made quite an impact on opportunities for students of UNC Charlotte's Belk College of Business.

Niblock and his wife Melanie, both 1984 accounting graduates, gave $2.5 million to establish the Niblock Student Center for Professional Development.

"I am proud to call myself a UNC Charlotte alumnus, and I’m proud of my accounting degree from the Belk College of Business. The Student Center provides another layer of preparation for students on top of the high-quality education, so that they are not only ready to graduate, but also to excel professionally.”

Belk College Dean Steve Ott"I know that UNC Charlotte provides a quality education for students and I believe we have the opportunity to enhance that education with coaching and personal skills that can help ensure success," said Niblock.

Chancellor Philip L. Dubois and Belk College Dean Steve Ott announced the gift and naming at the inaugural CEO Speaker Series.

“Robert Niblock's personal history empowers students with the idea that if they enroll in the Belk College, work hard and pursue their goals, they will also have the potential to achieve unlimited success. He is truly an inspiration to our students and our entire college,” expressed Dean Ott.