Black History Month and more

Celebrate Black History Month throughout February
UNC Charlotte invites you to celebrate Black History Month with us by participating in events and learning opportunities throughout February. Visit the Office of Diversity and Inclusion website for more information, including details related to registration.
- Learn about the upcoming Faculty Recommendation Letter workshop, along with other important updates in this week’s Academic Affairs Weekly News Digest.
- Discover the Great Decisions lecture series, a national program of the Foreign Policy Association and the largest nonpartisan citizen education effort of its kind; it has provided quality information and tools for more than 50 years.
- Notification emails from the Learning and Development Portal to managers related to select employee training will be turned off. Managers can review their employees’ progress in the Portal directly to help ensure compliance.
- Heather Bastian, director of Communication Across the Curriculum, will facilitate the online workshop, “Using Peer Review to Actively Engage Students in the Feedback Process,” scheduled for 1 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 7.
- QPR training is intended to foster a community of care by teaching individuals how to recognize the warning signs of suicide, including verbal, behavioral and situational clues. To register for the Friday, Feb. 10 session, please log in to the Learning and Development Portal.
- Eric Webb ’20 M.S., received the 2023 Master’s Thesis Award from the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools’ for, “Reanalysis of the Extended Multivariate ENSO Index.”
- For only those submitting non-student temporary assignments and graduate assistantships, UNC Charlotte has transitioned ePAF to NinerWorks. Learn more about this process and what to expect.
- Considering living off campus next year but not sure where to start your search? Stop by the Off-Campus Housing and Resource Fair Tuesday, Feb. 7, from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center Food Court. Learn more here.
- Travel with the Office of Identity, Equity and Engagement during spring break! Participants will visit museums in the Washington, D.C., area and learn about the cultural and historical significance that different groups have made to our country.
- UREC is offering an afternoon of fun for international and graduate students that will include a cooking class, Zumba, yoga and badminton tournament.
- Eric Webb ’20 M.S., received the 2023 Master’s Thesis Award from the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools’ for, “Reanalysis of the Extended Multivariate ENSO Index.”
Four Charlotte 49ers baseball players were named to the 2023 Conference USA Preseason All-Conference Team the league announced Thursday, Feb. 2.
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