
Sharing the loss of Larry Mellichamp
Thomas Lawrence Mellichamp ’70, former director of the UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens, died Sept. 12.
A professor emeritus in the Biology Department, Mellichamp retired in 2014 after nearly four decades directing the development of the University’s Botanical Gardens. He completed a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences from the University and went on to earn a doctorate in botany from the University of Michigan before returning to join the Charlotte faculty in 1976.

Sharing the loss of Larry Mellichamp
Thomas Lawrence Mellichamp ’70, former director of the UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens, died Sept. 12.
A professor emeritus in the Biology Department, Mellichamp retired in 2014 after nearly four decades directing the development of the University’s Botanical Gardens. He completed a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences from the University and went on to earn a doctorate in botany from the University of Michigan before returning to join the Charlotte faculty in 1976.

Campus Construction Update, Sept. 2022
Campus continues to grow. Check out additions in the works, including a new Starbucks, The 49th Acre tailgate park and a new residence hall.

Constellation Garden Remembrance Memorial Open House
Through augmented reality technology, guests will be able to virtually explore the future memorial.

Construction to affect PORTAL Service Drive
The entrance to PORTAL Service Drive and ADA parking will be closed from 5 p.m., Friday, Feb. 7, through 5 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 9, for construction related to the hotel/conference center.
Winter break parking deck renovations scheduled
During winter break, the flooring of campus parking decks will be replaced, which may cause minor disruptions, such as limited access to elevators and construction noise and debris. The approximate schedule of outages is below.
Scheduled campus disruptions through Dec. 31
The following projects are scheduled and may cause disruptions Monday, Dec. 16, through Tuesday, Dec. 31.
Temporary lane closure scheduled
The southbound lane of Robert D. Snyder Road will be closed between the PORTAL loading dock and CRI Deck entrance from Dec. 16-23; the closure will be coordinated daily to ensure the road is open for Charlotte Early Engineering College drop off and pick up times.Expect flaggers to direct traffic around the lane closure; remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.This is an update to a previous posting.
Temporary power outage scheduled
Between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Friday, Nov. 22, a scheduled power outage will be required to tie in electrical service related to the RUP 5/Data Center.During this outage, CAB, Cedar, Hickory and Sycamore will not have electrical service or emergency lighting.
Lane closures scheduled for asphalt repairs
On Friday, Oct. 25, there will be lane closures on Craver Road near the Popp Martin Student Union and Phillips Road near Hayes Stadium to repair asphalt.Expect flaggers to assist with traffic diversion and paving equipment and personnel at these sites.