Facilities Management

Valparaiso administrator appointed associate vice chancellor for facilities management

Jonathan “Jon” Varnell has been appointed UNC Charlotte’s new associate vice chancellor for facilities management. He will assume his duties in early December.

Varnell currently serves as the vice president for administration at Indiana’s Valparaiso University, where his responsibilities include all facilities management operations, construction, capital planning and management and utilities and energy management, among other duties.

Automotive Fleet awarded clean fuel grant

UNC Charlotte’s automotive fleet was awarded nearly $58,000 to upgrade the fleet to reduce transportation-related emissions through alternative fuel methods. This grant is from the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center at North Carolina State University’s Clean Fuel Advanced Technology (CFAT) Project.

Students were part of this funding effort, as the Charlotte Green Initiative supported a matching grant of $10,600.

Temporary sidewalk closure near Reese, King buildings

Portions of the sidewalk between Reese and King buildings will be closed starting Monday, Nov. 12, to allow for repairs to underground pipes.

Expect construction fences, noise and heavy equipment, along with vehicles entering/exiting the area. This project is expected to be completed by Friday, Dec. 14.

Remember to use caution when approaching construction areas.

Paving work scheduled for Lot 16A

Between Friday, Nov. 2, and Sunday, Nov. 4, workers will complete the final paving and striping of Parking Lot 16A. On Friday, parking spaces closest to the Auxiliary Services Building will be closed; the entire lot will be closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Lane closures scheduled along Alumni Way

Between 7:30 and 11:30 a.m., Friday, Oct. 12, lane closures will occur on Alumni Way near South Village Deck as construction takes place to install speed bumps to control traffic for pedestrian safety.

Expect traffic delays as flaggers alternate traffic flow. Exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Sustainability Week events scheduled

Get involved in UNC Charlotte’s annual Sustainability Week, being held Monday through Friday, Oct. 15-19. This observance informs the University community about sustainable practices on campus.

Monday, Oct. 15 – Tree Banding

8 to 9:30 a.m. – Hauser Alumni Pavilion

Lot 25 closed temporarily

Parking Lot 25 will be closed Friday, Oct. 5, through Tuesday, Oct. 9, for maintenance. Expect construction and paving equipment.

Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Construction to close one entrance to Macy Building

The Macy Building entrance that faces Belk Plaza will be closed through Friday, Oct. 26, for construction to rework the entrance to match the new Winningham Building one and to install additional storm water lines as part of the Academic Complex Renovation project.

Expect fencing around the entrance, heavy construction equipment and noise prior to classes beginning each day.

Faculty, staff and students should use entrances in the courtyard and breezeway.

Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Update on sidewalk closure near Rowe and Winningham

Construction to replace brick pavers as part of the Belk Plaza Revitalization project is expected to be completed Friday, Sept. 28. Entrances to these buildings facing the plaza will be inaccessible.

Expect barricades and construction equipment and personnel. Temporary fencing will block sidewalks, and signage will route pedestrians away from the work area.

Reminder – exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

(This notice is a revision from previous reports.)

University’s automotive fleet ranks among North America’s top 10

In 2004, UNC Charlotte’s automotive fleet shifted its goals to focus on building a more sustainable one. Since then, the University has realized continual fleet improvements and a significant decrease in harmful emissions by campus vehicles.

For its efforts, the University once again has earned a Green Fleet Award; this is the fourth consecutive year for this distinction.