New Jersey City University administrator serving as ACE Fellow

The American Council on Education (ACE) Fellows Program is considered the premier leadership development initiative to prepare senior leaders to serve U.S. colleges and universities.

Karen Morgan, from New Jersey City University, is spending the 2018-19 academic year at UNC Charlotte as an ACE Fellow.

During her campus stay, Morgan said she anticipates realizing a number of benefits as she participates in high-level administrative functions, including prioritizing ideas related to strategic planning, data-informed decision making and building institutional capacity. She also looks forward to engaging with a diverse group of University leaders from various campus sectors.

“I am honored to have been nominated and selected as an ACE Fellow. This opportunity should foster evolutionary change as I continue to learn and grow through my experiences as part of this eminent program,” said Morgan. “I will receive mentorship of two dynamic leaders, Chancellor Phil Dubois and Provost Joan Lorden. I believe my time at UNC Charlotte will be invaluable, and during my fellowship, I hope to contribute to the University’s mounting success.”

Morgan has held teaching and administrative positions at New Jersey City University (NJCU), starting in 2005. An associate professor of mathematics and poet, she served as president of the NJCU Senate, interim director of the University Advisement Center, assistant provost and assistant provost for undergraduate experience.

She co-authored NJCU’s campus student success plan, which resulted in efforts that increased first-year retention rate by four percentage points and six-year graduation rate by three percentage points.

A graduate of the University of Mississippi, Morgan holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics; her Ph.D. is in higher education with a concentration in mathematics education.