April 1 deadline for Undergraduate Research Conference

The J. Murrey Atkins Library will host its Undergraduate Research Conference on Friday, April 19. This conference is a University-wide showcase of research projects being completed by undergraduates from all levels and from all colleges/departments at UNC Charlotte. The deadline for undergraduates to enter the competition is Monday, April 1.
Research entries can be in-class projects or year-long honors theses. The types of research will vary depending on the discipline and could include a philosophical analysis as well as hands-on data collection in a lab or in the field. Students can present their work in poster or oral formats, individually (oral or poster) or in groups (poster). Both formats will be judged during the conference, and general prizes will be awarded by discipline.
“Presenting at a research conference is a great resume item for students,” said Missy Eppes, associate professor of earth sciences and chair of the conference committee. “It provides wonderful experience in communicating all of the hard work that students have completed.”
Students can apply for an Atkins Library Undergraduate Research Award, which will be judged by a faculty team from UNC Charlotte comprised of faculty from the colleges and librarians from Atkins Library. Five $1,000 awards will be given in the following categories:
- Arts/Architecture/Humanities
- Social Sciences/Education
- Physical Sciences/Engineering (Stephen Mosier Award)
- Biological Sciences/Health Sciences
- Math/Computer Sciences
Malin Pereira, executive director of the Honors College, and Matt Theado, associate professor of English language and literature at Gardner-Webb University, will deliver keynote presentations during the conference.
Registration information is online