General News

UNC Charlotte to close for winter break, classes resume Jan. 7

UNC Charlotte administrative offices will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 24, through Thursday, Jan. 1, for winter break. The University will resume normal operations Friday, Jan. 2, 2015.

The first day of classes for the 2015 spring semester is Wednesday, Jan. 7.

Register for Mentors in Violence Prevention training

The University will host a three-day “Train the Trainer” session for Jason Katz’s Mentors in Violence Prevention model Tuesday, Jan 20, through Thursday, Jan. 22, at the Student Health Center.

Katz, an educator and author, co-developed the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) model. He and his team have spearheaded the idea of gender equity in the dissemination of the violence prevention message since the early 1990s.

Help conserve energy during winter break

Before leaving for holiday break, employees are encouraged by facilities management to take these energy conservation steps:

Lights – Lighting is the second-largest use of energy in most commercial spaces. Turning them off is a simple and effective way to conserve resources. Don’t forget about desk lamps, overhead lights and those in common spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and hallways.

Scenes of the campus at night

Categories: General News

Africana studies professor’s ‘Materialities of Ritual in the Black Atlantic’ published

Akin Ogundiran, chair of the Africana Studies Department, is the co-editor of the recent work “Materialities of Ritual in the Black Atlantic,” published by Indiana University Press.

PPS participates in DUI awareness event

The UNC Charlotte Police and Public Safety Department, along with representatives from Mecklenburg Safe Communities, recently held an event to raise awareness around the dangers of drunk driving.

English professor co-edits collection of essays about Walt Disney

Mark West, chair of the English Department, is co-editor and a contributor to the recently released “Walt Disney, from Reader to Storyteller: Essays on the Literary Inspirations.”

January offerings from extended academic programs

Categories: General News Tags: Academic Affairs

The Office of Extended Academic Programs offers numerous training opportunities. Discounts of approximately 50 percent are available for UNC Charlotte faculty and staff. For more information, call 704-687-8900 or email

Courses and information sessions for January include:

History professor participates in Germany’s ‘Going Green’ program

David Goldfield, the Robert Lee Bailey Professor of History, recently spent 10 days in Germany conducting seminars on American environmental policy as part of the U.S. Embassy’s support of the “Going Green” program, a German-American learning project.

As part of the visit, Goldfield spoke to students at the Bavarian Academy of Public Policy and the North Rhineland-Westphalia Ministry of Education. He also participated in reviewing the top Going Green projects by German high school students, along with U.S. Ambassador to Germany John Emerson.

State HR Office to change policy related to agency closures

The State Human Resources Commission has approved a recommendation from the N.C. Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) to modify the policy governing the operations of state agencies during adverse weather and emergency events. The primary changes are:

clarification of the difference between these event types
guidelines for acceptable accounting for employee time lost to such events.
The policy will continue to be applicable to all state employees across all agencies, including Universities.