UNC Charlotte team to help schools keep students safe online
As children are exposed to technology and cyber learning at a younger and younger age, there is a growing need to prepare K-12 students to navigate the digital world. The UNC Charlotte Cato College of Education has earned the opportunity to do just that by designing a cyber safety curriculum that will be implemented with teachers, technology facilitators, middle school students and parents from three school districts and a charter school in the Charlotte region.
Ph.D. students take top honors at Duke University energy conference
Doctoral students Bhaskar Mitra and Pankaj Bhowmik won first and second place, respectively, at the recent Duke Energy Week poster presentation. Only the top 20 teams/individuals were given the opportunity to present during the conference, held at the Fuqua School of Business.
Researchers seeking innovative uses for coal ash
UNC Charlotte researchers are investigating how to improve coal ash for both recycling and restoration. John Daniels, chair and professor of civil and environmental engineering, and fellow faculty members are actively researching ways to address environmental impacts created by coal ash
Master’s thesis among ProQuest’s most downloaded
In September 2017, the master’s thesis “Internal Activism and Its Implications for Organizational Legitimacy: A Case Study of the NBA’s Reaction to the National Anthem Protests in Sports” was one of the top 25 accessed through the ProQuest website.
Corey Kelly, a graduate student in communication studies, wrote the thesis, under the director of Daniel Grano.
Cato College professor talks free speech and bias on college campuses
A new study co-authored by Cato College of Education member Ryan Miller is shedding light on efforts by higher education administrators nationwide to respond to bias and hate incidents while preserving students’ free speech rights.
Architecture professor receives Upjohn grant
Kyounghee Kim, associate professor of architecture, was awarded a 2017 AIA Upjohn Research Initiative Grant ($30,000) for “Biophilic Architecture: Sustainable Materialization of Microalgae Facades” – in support of her research on high-performance building envelope design. This is her second AIA Upjohn Award; she received a 2013 AIA Upjohn Research Grant ($27,000) for “Sustainable Transparency: Kinetic Building Facades.”
Researcher receives grant to study banana breeding to improve nutrition
Robert Reid, research assistant professor with UNC Charlotte’s Bioinformatics Services Division at the North Carolina Research Campus, has received a $25,000 grant through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for the “Improvement of Banana for the Smallholder Farmers in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.”
Reid will work with Al Brown of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) on the project.
Advance achieved in dry preservation of mammalian sperm cells
In a paper forthcoming in the November issue of the journal Theriogenology, a team of researchers from UNC Charlotte and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI), announced the first successful drying and rehydration of domestic cat spermatozoa using a rapid microwave dehydration method.
Study: Dads are often having fun while moms work around the house
For the first time, researchers have evidence of exactly what dads are doing while moms are taking care of housework or tending to their child. The results will be disappointing for those who expected more gender equity in modern society.
The study found that three months after the birth of their first child, on days when couples were not working, men were most often relaxing while women did housework or child care. In contrast, when men were taking care of the kids or working around the house, their partners were most often doing the same thing.
Lee College researchers investigating wildfire spread
Monday, Oct. 9, starts Fire Prevention Week. Check out how UNC Charlotte is studying wildfire spread in this video featuring researchers from the Lee College of Engineering.