College of Computing and Informatics

Hamby, Hudson to attend select international security and intelligence program

UNC Charlotte’s Jim Hamby and Rick Hudson are among 30 intelligence professionals selected worldwide to attend the prestigious Cambridge Security Initiative International Security and Intelligence Professional Program, scheduled for March 30 through April 12 at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, England. Hamby, an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, brings […]

University’s National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity for Cyber Research reaffirmed

UNC Charlotte’s National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity for Cyber Research recently was reaffirmed through 2030 by the U.S. National Security Agency. One of only 93 universities in the U.S. to hold this designation, UNC Charlotte was a member of the NSA’s inaugural cohort of Centers of Academic Excellence for Cybersecurity Research when the […]

Manuel Pérez-Quiñones recognized with national award for computer science education

Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, professor of software and information systems in the College of Computing and Informatics, recently received the 2025 Special Interest Group Computer Science Education Award for distinguished service to the computer science education community. “I have devoted my professional career to providing service to computing education through mentorship and advocacy for all people. It’s […]

New study reveals timing matters for COVID-19 boosters

Timing COVID-19 booster shots correctly could greatly enhance their effectiveness, according to a new study conducted by researchers from UNC Charlotte and the Yale School of Public Health. Their results show that the optimal schedule for administration of a COVID-19 booster vary significantly depending on one’s geographic location and past infection experiences. This variation indicates […]

New bioinformatics research article focuses on global efforts to stress the importance of viruses in soil

Richard Allen White III, an assistant professor of bioinformatics in the College of Computing and Informatics, in collaboration with a group of scholars internationally, argue the scientific community’s understanding of the causes and impacts of global climate change could be deepened by paying more attention to how viruses affect soil. White and a group of […]

School of Data Science to launch Ph.D. program, formally joins College of Computing and Informatics

UNC Charlotte’s School of Data Science will soon expand its academic offerings with the establishment of a Doctor of Philosophy in Data Science. Approved by the UNC System Board of Governors in May 2024, the degree program will enroll its first cohort of students in fall 2025, pending approval of the Southern Association of Colleges […]

Bioinformatics professor discovers surprising evolutionary pattern in landmark yeast study

Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics Abigail Leavitt LaBella has co-led an ambitious research study — published this week in the widely influential journal Science — that reports intriguing findings made through innovative artificial intelligence analysis about yeasts.

CCI’s Manuel Pérez Quiñones elected to board of directors of Computing Research Association

Manuel Pérez Quiñones, a professor in the Department of Software and Information Systems in the College of Computing and Informatics, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association, one of the nation’s most influential computing research and policy nonprofit organizations.

CCI launches new cybersecurity initative, seeks pilot partner

The College of Computing and Informatics has started a new cybersecurity outreach initiative aimed at supporting area resource-constrained partner organizations based on the college’s decades of award-winning, nationally recognized leadership in the field. 

Internship spotlight: Sophie Tanker

Sophie Tanker is a senior and early entry master’s student at UNC Charlotte who is studying computer science with a concentration in bioinformatics and a minor in mathematics. She recently interned at Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick. As it’s time for students to explore internships, read about Tanker’s experience, what she learned, and how she is using her experience at UNC Charlotte. 

What was your role at Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick? What types of projects did you work on?