Shue awarded UNC-China Technology Learning Grant

Pamela Shue, assistant professor in the Child and Family Development program in the College of Education, was awarded a UNC-China Technology Learning Grant by UNC General Administration. It will fund the development of a global understanding course focused on early childhood education in collaboration with partners at Beijing Normal University (BNU) in Beijing, China.

Shue will teach the synchronous course jointly with Minyi Li, an associate professor in BNU’s Institute for Early Childhood Education Research. The course will be based on a model established at East Carolina University (ECU) with video technology incorporated into student interactions between universities. ECU will provide consulting services on the development of the course, including successful pedagogies and technologies.

Shue met Li in summer 2012 during educational visits to several universities in China. The two explored partnership opportunities identified initially as part of Shue’s work on a College of Education grant from the Longview Foundation for Education in World Affairs and International Understanding.

“Developing an online course where students from both our universities could learn from one another was an exciting idea to both of us,” said Shue. “This grant will allow us to build a strong partnership for future students and faculty while providing a basis for the 21st century education that is needed by all graduates.”

Leslie Boney, UNC General Administration vice president for international community and economic engagement, said, “It is our hope that this course can start a movement on (UNC Charlotte’s) campus toward providing more of this sort of instruction, as one way of achieving our system’s goal of increased global engagement. This can be an important part of UNC Charlotte’s larger efforts to help its students become more globally ready.”

Shue’s course will be offered in fall and spring semesters of the 2013-14 academic year. UNC Charlotte also is providing funding for this effort.